Dealing with Homesickness: Effective Coping Strategies and Advice for Student

Leaving university, whether moving across town or halfway around the globe, is a significant adjustment. Remember that you're not alone if you're experiencing homesickness. Everyone finds it intimidating to live away from home for the first time, and homesickness is a typical result. It's common to feel homesick, particularly during the first few months of college. International students often experience the strongest emotions of loneliness and isolation throughout college as they become used to living away from home and studying full-time in a foreign country. There is plenty to process! Most others in your immediate vicinity also sense the heat, but they're polite.

Making the most of your Vantage One experience and overcoming homesickness are both doable tasks. Numerous opportunities and novel experiences await you in this new chapter of your life. Nevertheless, when you become used to a new setting, it's normal to experience homesickness. Leaving people, places, and routines you are comfortable with can take much work. To those feeling homesick, realize that you are not alone in this. Adapting to homesickness can be accomplished with these tips:

  • Recognize your emotions: Being away from home and experiencing significant life changes can cause homesickness, a typical emotional response. It's crucial to accept and acknowledge these emotions rather than attempting to suppress them. As you work through your feelings, remember that missing your loved ones and the comforts of home is common. Acknowledging your emotions is the first step toward getting over your homesickness.
  • Remain in touch with your home: Stay in touch with your family and friends for solace and encouragement. To keep in touch, send your loved one’s regular emails, texts, and video calls. Remember that social media is also a fantastic way to stay in touch with everyone. It is crucial to keep in contact with your friends and family by phone conversations, group chats on WhatsApp, or snail mail correspondence. You'll feel more engaged in domestic affairs as a result. On the other hand, over-connectivity can exacerbate the sense of distance. The key is to avoid reaching a point where you communicate more with your family and friends than with your fellow students. Recall that your loved ones will still be waiting for you over the holidays at home. At university, keep your attention on the present. However, avoid traveling too soon before classes begin since this may exacerbate your homesickness.
  • Form an encouraging social network: If you're well-organized, you can even find your tribe before you ever get to university. Get to know others who share your interests by joining clubs and societies, interacting with your roommates, and attending numerous social events organized by the university and students' union. Remember to take advantage of the Freshers Fair and Welcome Week, where you may meet other new students and discover more about the university. A network of friends who are encouraging can significantly impact your university experience and foster a feeling of community.
  • Stay busy: If you're experiencing homesickness, keep yourself occupied with your coursework, extracurricular activities, and hobbies. Get fully involved in your new course, pursue old and new hobbies, and consider volunteer work. Keep yourself busy, and you'll notice that time flies by and your homesickness lessens.
  • Seek out university support: The central universities provide various resources and services to assist students' mental health and general well-being. These options, including live chat and counselling services, can benefit you as you adjust to university life. Feel free to ask for assistance if you need someone to talk to or feel overwhelmed.
  • Provide a cozy atmosphere: Personalize your space with mementos from home. You can easily create a home away from home with pictures, artwork, souvenirs, and gifts from loved ones. Don't forget to bring your preferred duvet cover, fairy lights, and cozy décor.
  • Take care of yourself: At university, looking after your physical and mental health is essential, particularly if you're experiencing homesickness. Ensure you eat healthily, sleep well, and maintain an active lifestyle. Take part in renewing and calming activities like yoga, meditation, or reading a good book. Ensure you get some fresh air, mainly if you live near a stunning university.
  • Seek assistance: Transitioning from high school to a university might be challenging. In quest for support is not a sign of weakness. Don't suffer quietly if you're having problems with your course or anything else. Worrying about your wealth or academic performance will not alleviate your homesickness. Addressing any issues as soon as they arise or seeking assistance is best. In addition to speaking with your professors directly, you can use the counselling services offered by universities if you require assistance with your mental health.


Being homesick is a common occurrence during college. You can overcome homesickness and prosper if you have the patience and self-compassion necessary to adjust to change, which takes time. Cherish the memories you create during this thrilling period, embrace the present opportunities, and build relationships that will last a lifetime. Enjoy yourselves!

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