28 Latest Blogs
11 Oct, 2024 Friday

Dealing with Homesickness: Effective Coping Strategies and Advice for Students

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Best in Class Higher Education
Coping Strategies and Advice for Dealing with Homesickness at University

Leaving university, whether moving across town or halfway around the globe, is a significant adjustment. Remember that you're not alone if you're experiencing homesickness. Everyone finds it intimidating to live away from home for the…

03 Oct, 2024 Thursday

2024 Nursing Trends You Should Know: Telehealth, Travel Nurses, and Emerging Roles

Nursing Profession in Nepal
Nursing trends 2024

Nurses and other healthcare professionals now work wherever patients need them, changing the traditional perception of healthcare as only serving patients in hospital rooms. Find out the top five nursing career trends for 2024 in…

15 Dec, 2023 Friday

Unveiling Your Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Pursuing a Master's Degree while Studying Abroad

Master Degree

A transforming experience, earning a master's degree while studying abroad will provide you with a worldwide perspective, cultural enrichment, personal development, and improving your academic credentials. International education has grown in popularity as a means…

05 Jul, 2023 Wednesday

Innovative Infrastructure: How Global Universities in India are Revolutionizing Campus Facilities

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Innovative Infrastructure

The landscape of higher education in India is witnessing a remarkable transformation with the rise of global universities that are revolutionizing campus facilities. These universities are redefining the learning environment and setting new milestones in…

12 Jun, 2023 Monday

Making Connections: Building a Support System and Networking While Studying Abroad as an International Student

About,Admissions,Study Abroad
Making Connections

There are more aspects of college life than just what happens in the classroom. Learning and receiving a degree are the two main goals of a student who enrolls at a university to pursue higher…

07 Mar, 2023 Tuesday

What are the Major Benefits of a Master’s Degree while Studying Abroad?

About,Academic,Campus Life,Higher Education,Study Abroad
Master Degree While Studying Abroad

A great way to make new friends, widen your horizons, immerse yourself in a different academic atmosphere, and discover more about yourself is by studying abroad. However, not everyone has the opportunity to study abroad…

06 Feb, 2023 Monday

What is the Ranking of Sharda University?

Best in Class Higher Education

India is among the few nations with the fastest growing economy, is the second-fastest-growing service sector in the world by CII & KPMG, the seventh-largest country in the world and the largest democracy, has the…

01 Feb, 2023 Wednesday

Important Career benefits While Getting Global Exposure in India

About,Higher Education,Study Abroad
Global Exposure in India

Living and traveling internationally can provide you with priceless life experiences. You can grow personally through learning different cultures, values, and languages. Employers may see you favorably if you have worked overseas for an extended period and…

03 Mar, 2022 Thursday

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Applying for Study Abroad Application

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Common Mistake Students Make

Filling out your study abroad application but fear getting rejected? While filling out these forms and applications, there are a lot of questions you need to answer and all the details need to be filled…

08 Feb, 2022 Tuesday

Application process to study abroad in India

About,Academic,Study Abroad
Process to Study Abroad in India

India is quickly growing into a widely popular study abroad destination amongst international students from all around the globe. With its high-quality academic offerings and rich cultural landscape, there’s nothing that isn’t appealing about the…

27 Jan, 2022 Thursday

The Ultimate Guide to Help You Pack for Studying Abroad

About,Campus Life,Study Abroad
Studying Abroad Guide

When planning to travel anywhere, it is essential to pack right. It becomes even more important to have a checklist when planning to fly to a foreign land for studies. Students need a studying abroad guide to…

18 Jan, 2022 Tuesday

Top 5 Most Affordable Study Abroad Destinations

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Affordable Study Abroad Destinations

There is no doubt about the fact that students these days want to go outside their home country to pursue higher education. And, this is also not an unknown fact that expenditure is a major…

08 Dec, 2021 Wednesday

Major Benefits of Master’s Degree While Studying Abroad

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Benefit of Master’s Degree While Studying Abroad

Although studying for a master’s degree internationally can be a life-changing experience for personal and professional life, deciding for the same is not exactly easy, especially when students have various other options available on different…

09 Nov, 2021 Tuesday

Career Benefits of Studying Abroad in New-age Era

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career benefits of studying abroad

Many people will agree that studying abroad is a life-changing experience. Going overseas and completing education offers several personal benefits. As a result, more and more students are choosing to go to foreign countries to…

20 Oct, 2021 Wednesday

The Ultimate Guide to Study Pharmacy in India for International Students

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Study Pharmacy in India for International Students

For students who love the fields of science, healthcare, and chemistry, pursuing pharmacy can be a good career option. Such people can secure jobs in the government or private sector or start their own businesses.…

12 Oct, 2021 Tuesday

Top 10 Best Courses to Study Abroad in India

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Best Courses to Study Abroad in India


Home to the world’s first university known as Takshashila, India has transformed into a major education hub that attracts tons of students from around the globe. With a well-structured education system, rich culture…

24 Sep, 2021 Friday

How Computer Science Students can Get a Scholarship in India from Nepal?

About,Admissions,Higher Education,Study Abroad
Scholarship for Computer Science Students

Computer Science is the study of technology and its advancements. There is no sector today that can function without the use of a computer or computerised techniques or tools. Therefore, we are witnessing an exponential…

03 Sep, 2021 Friday

Top 10 Career Opportunities to Explore in the Next Decade

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Career Opportunities

Career opportunities have never been so varied and wide-ranging as they are today. And, the situation is expected to grow even more exciting in the upcoming decade. Whether you are looking to earn more money…

12 Jul, 2021 Monday

Scope and Opportunities in Interior Designing in Nepal

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Best in Class Higher Education
Scope of Interior Designing in Nepal

Interior designing not only involves the decoration of interior space but also consists of architecture, environmental psychology, and product designing. It is an all-around task of handling the architectural integrity of a space. As there…

05 Jul, 2021 Monday

How to Get Admission in Nutrition Courses in India from Nepal?

About,Academic,Higher Education,Study Abroad
Best in Class Higher Education
Nutrition Courses in India from Nepal

The primary and secondary education sectors in Nepal have been experiencing steady growth with each passing year. After Nepal became a democracy, the country opened the gates of its schools and colleges to a diverse…

22 Jun, 2021 Tuesday

Scope and Career Opportunities in Engineering in Nepal

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Best in Class Higher Education
Scope of Engineering in Nepal

Nepal has been expanding the overall education system in the country, with a steady enrolment rate of 54% (2001-2017). Although secondary and tertiary education is not increasing at the same rate, a lot of institutes…

07 Jun, 2021 Monday

Benefits of Scholarships for Studying Abroad by Government

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Best in Class Higher Education
Studying Abroad by Government

Many benefits are waiting to be reaped by students who receive scholarships for studying abroad by governments in their countries. Receiving government grants while having the opportunity to study in a foreign country presents international…

25 May, 2021 Tuesday

Get Ready to Apply – Documents Required to Study Abroad in India

About,Higher Education,Study Abroad
Best in Class Higher Education

VISA procedures are one of the most anticipated processes that international students usually worry about when making plans to go study abroad. Several countries require bulky bundles of documents that are often a tedious task…

17 May, 2021 Monday

Life of an International Student in India

About,Higher Education,Study Abroad
Best in Class Higher Education

Since the development of advanced higher education infrastructure in India, several prominent Indian universities that have embraced technology and modern developments as a part and parcel of their curriculum have been seeing throngs of international…

10 May, 2021 Monday

Advantages: Study Abroad in India from Nepal

Best in Class Higher Education

The country of Nepal is situated in South Asia and landlocked by India and China. The country comes to 49th in rank by population in the world, and the capital is Kathmandu. While the education system…

23 Dec, 2020 Wednesday

Why Sharda University is One of the Best Global University in India?

Best in Class Higher Education

International students from far and wide have been flocking to Sharda University to attain world-class education that is unsurpassed by no other educational institution in India. Spread across an area of 63 in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh,…

25 Nov, 2020 Wednesday

नेपाली विद्यार्थी विश्वव्यापी रूपमा चम्किरहेका छन्

Best in Class Higher Education

कोरोनाभाइरस महामारीले विश्वविद्यालय र अन्य शैक्षिक संस्थाहरूमा अत्यावश्यक र जीवनलाई जोखिममा पार्ने परिस्थितिहरूको छिटो अनुकूल हुन परीक्षण गरेको छ । यस चुनौतीपूर्ण समयमा समेत शारदा विश्वविद्यालयले केही प्रतिष्ठित व्यक्तिहरूको उपस्थितीमा चौथो दीक्षान्त समारोह आयोजना…

19 Nov, 2020 Thursday

It’s Time to Take Off: Sharda University is On!

Best in Class Higher Education

Since the ‘Unlock’ phase of the nationwide lockdown in India has been initiated, there have been significant relaxations in providing visas to foreign nationals of various categories. As of October 2020, all foreign nationals visiting…

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